"Amutha Peruvizha Poonga", nestled in Tharamani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, underwent a remarkable transformation, emerging as a model urban park, thanks to the concerted efforts of the Gabo Enterprises, our parent organisation, Matrimony.com, and the Greater Chennai Corporation.
Through the visionary use of CSR funds from Matrimony.com, guided by the expertise of Mr. Lawrance Stephen, Head of Facilities and Administration, the park underwent a comprehensive renovation. The collaborative effort focused on upgrading infrastructure, enhancing green spaces, integrating a Miyawaki forest, and installing new activity spaces and game installations.
The successful completion of this ambitious project culminated in the park's reopening for public use, officiated by the Honorable M.K. Stalin, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. The transformed park now stands as a vibrant community hub, offering a refreshing environment and a host of recreational activities for all.
Gabo Enterprises has taken on the mantle of maintaining this rejuvenated space, curating events year-round to engage the public and infuse life into the park. Their dedication to creating value and fostering community participation has made Ämutha Peruvizha Poonga a lively and exciting place for everyone to enjoy.
The park's revitalization serves as a testament to the transformative impact that collaborative efforts can achieve. Through a shared commitment to creating inviting and sustainable public spaces, the Gabo Enterprises, Matrimony.com, and the Greater Chennai Corporation have transformed a mere park into a vibrant, welcoming haven for the local community.